Basic $10/mo

  • Update listing monthly (ex: menu updates, photos, hours)
  • Update tagged categories and special events
  • Moderate reviews

Premium $18/mo

  • Update listing monthly (ex: menu updates, photos, hours)
  • Update tagged categories and special events
  • Moderate reviews
  • Featured listing status
  •  Feature on social media once a month
  • Digital ads and other marketing targeting Texas parents of U of A students

Platinum $29/mo

  • Update listing monthly (ex: menu updates, photos, hours)
  • Update tagged categories and special events
  • Moderate reviews
  • Featured listing status
  •  Feature on social media once a month
  • Digital ads and other marketing targeting Texas parents of U of A students
  • Feature in newsletter at least once a quarter
  • Take photos and videos at location to feature on social media at least once a quarter